Monday, 29 June 2009

20 Records That Are Probably Making The Neighbours Rue The Day The Sun Came Out And Everyone Opened Their Windows Again*

Ashtray Navigations - Johnny Fuckoff Minotaur (Memoirs Of An Aesthete)
Zaimph - Death Blooming Pleasure (No Fun)
Richard Youngs - Like A Neuron (Dekorder)
Moritz Von Oswald Trio - Vertical Ascent (Honest Jon's)
Sun Araw - Heavy Deeds (Not Not Fun)
Ramleh - Switch Hitter (Broken Flag/Black Rose)
The Deep Blue - Sun Worshiper (The Church Within)
Fireball - Blessed Be (High Roller Society)
Voltigeurs - Voltigeurs (Turgid Animal)
Neokarma Jooklo Trio - Time's Vibes (Conspiracy)
Astral Social Club - #13/#18/#19 (Astral Social Club)**
Golden Jooklo Age - Ritual (8mm)
Flower Corsano Duo - The Four Aims (VHF)
Tropa Macaca - Fiteiras Suadas (Qbico)
Noveller - Paint On The Shadows (No Fun)
Ax - Nova Feedback (Freek)
Rhodri Davies & Ingar Zach - Ieirll (Qbico)
Yob - The Great Cessation (Profound Lore)
Nackt Insecten - Corridor Voyager (Memoirs Of An Aesthete)
Pombagira - Black Axis Abraxas (Withered Hand)

*They do listen to some right shit though, so I don't feel particularly guilty.

**I know that's 3 albums. I don't care. They all sound like excerpts from the longest and best piece of music ever, a dip into a different plane where everything sounds like gargling diamonds and the sky smells of green and purple...

Monday, 8 June 2009

Ladies & Gentlemen, It's Got Eight Limbs & A Distributed Brain, It Shouldn't Be Able To Survive Out Of The Water, And Yet It Thrives!

Tell yr friends. Come witness the return of the mighty

Oh yes, Octopus finally returns to the lovely (if somewhat echoey) Cafe Oto, with a rather fucking fine line-up consisting of:

Craig Tamlin - Drums/Percussion
Shura Greenberg - Double Bass
Andrew John - Electric Bass
Shabaka Huthchings - Bass Clarinet/Tenor Saxophone
Oren Marshall - Tuba
Illi Adato - Percussion
Gareth Wilkins - Arp/Moog/Rhodes
Lee Knight - Guitar

So why not come along, enjoy some excellent organic locally brewed ales or the marvellous Normandy ciders and immerse yrself in the world of the Octopoda.